
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2021

Neox cryoto card is available for first 3000 early investor who purchase neox token

  How to convert Bitcoin to cash?’. This question comes up very often and Google knows the answer. We also know the answer, so now we’re going to share the best ways to convert Bitcoin to cash, look at the pros and cons of each, and give a quick step-by-step guide to a method number. Currently, the majority of crypto tokens on the market only allow conversion from Bitcoin or Ethereum to fiat currency. With this process, crypto holders who want to pay with cryptocurrencies have to go through a multi-step process and incur different transaction fees. With the Neox token, the project wants to create a smoother process that allows users to make transactions in real time with a single transaction and a single fee. The Neox Card simplifies the use of cryptocurrency for everyday purchases.   Neox cryoto card is available for first 3000 early investor who purchase neox token and also Cryptocurrency exchange with more than 100+ altcoins also everyone can Profit sharing for token holder...

Dexgem is a wonderful podium

  It is up to you to ponder all the success of Dexgem; the town will get the last word, and everyone pays attention (or might many of us say, our sharp agreements listen) (or might many of us say, our sharp agreements listen). Voting rights just for ecosystem campaigns, new principle functions, as well as Dexgem repairments similar to the self-assured allowance procedure and other uses would be worth that will expression owners. The Lockers about Liquidity Our security and safety function, which allows constructors in order to attach his or her liquidity provider tokens, is available. Liquidity locking has been commonly put into practice on the DeFi marketplace, and additionally many of us at Dexgem tend to be satisfied to mention how the methodology was initially publicized by way of you and me. Launchpad that is guaranteed as well as decentralized ILO Podium by Dexgem The solutions can help you ensure you get your work from the flooring for everybody who is your small maker. A ne...

IXSWAP rules apply to all TSOs and STOs

  What is the IX Swap Token (IXS)? And how does it work? As well as being the platform's native cryptocurrency and utility token, IX Swap is also the platform's native cryptocurrency and utility token, as well. As soon as IXS is available, it will be able to be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges. It will also be used to pay swap providers for their work in giving the IX Swap platform trust, reputation, and other things. Most people think that the most important thing about XIOS is to make a trading liquidity pool with enough people so that the price of an item on the open market is determined by supply and demand, not just one person. AMMs, also known as Indexed Exchanges, have been around since 2016 and have always been a great way to trade and make money at the same time. They're called "Automatic Market Makers," which is another way of saying "Automatic Market Maker." It's because of how IX Swaps was built that they can spread these fees out acros...

Lepasa NFTs are limited edition and unique

Lepasa is a mythological virtual life project with a strong vision to build meaningful and mindful Metaverse. In the beginning Lepasa is offering 3D game ready NFTs. Every Lepasa NFT collection is limited edition and each NFT is unique by various characteristics. NFTs are based on Etherum — 721 blockchain and can be collected by $Lepa tokens, An ERC-20 tokens available on crosschain platforms. Lepasa NFTs can be animated and easily used in videos/movies, Art and other gaming projects. Exciting announcement for Lepasa community in our cross-chain journey. Yes, We are partnered with Polygon. Polygon is an ideal partner for Lepasa because of their amazingly low transaction fees and high speed. It enables us to our prime goal of making Lepasa NFTs transactable for everyone with low transaction cost. And in this partnership, Lepasa will use Polygon blockchain to mint NFTs. The process will work as mentioned below: When a user opens a Magic Box on the Ethereum main-net they submit a request ...

Welcome to PAF DAO, Decentralized Autonomous Organization incorporated by Pitch Finance and Flocki Finance

  Pitch Finance and Flocki Finance have agreed to merge their protocols into PAF DAO. Pitch Finance independently offers value to Crypto enthusiasts by helping them build, buy, sell, trade, any kind of asset, token, and NFT in diverse blockchains.FlockiFinance stands as the first multi-chain marketplace for NFTs. Crypto enthusiasts and traders can buy, sell, trade, and even swap any NFT on any blockchain they desire using one platform. One can only imagine what this two will achieve when they bring their platforms into one ecosystem. Asides from the reduction of usable energy in the ecosystem, the two projects will also provide greater efficiency for Crypto users. The token will be available at private sale and public sale. The individual tokens (FFT and PFT) will remain and top holders of the both tokens will be dropped with PAF token.Other key events to look forward to is the launching of the PFT launchpad scheduled to go live on 17th of December, 2021 and Flocki market place lau...


  At a basic level, a NFT is a general resource that joins possession to charming physical or electr o nic things, like artful culminations, land, music, or records. NFTs can be viewed as advanced collectibles. ... The headway can in like way make it hard to change or fake NFTs. Regardless how they’ve been around beginning around 2014, NFTs are getting reputation now since they are changing into an undeniably striking strategy for purchasing and sell modernized convincing craftsmanship. A staggering $174 million has been spent on NFTs since November 2017. NFTs are likewise routinely unprecedented, or possibly one of an extremely bound run, and have exceptional seeing codes. "Basically, NFTs make modernized inadequacy," says Arry Yu, seat of the Washington Advancement Industry Association Cascadia Blockchain Chamber and controlling head of Yellow Umbrella Endeavors. The worldwide video gaming industry is relied upon to become half to $268.8 billion by 2025. New exploration tra...